Psychotherapy in English – for individuals, couples and families

Welcome to my private psychotherapy practice in Korneuburg, Lower Austria. As a psychotherapist I work with individuals, couples and families. I also offer psychotherapy and counselling in English language. Please notice that I am not a native speaker, but I will do my best to provide a fluent dialogue and a comfortable atmosphere.

If you are looking for a professional support regarding e.g.

  • a current life crisis (e.g. disease, divorce, relocation)
  • psychosomatic disorders
  • various mental issues (e.g. anxiety, burnout, eating disorders)
  • strengthening your personal resilience and self-esteem
  • your relationship or family affairs

I would be glad to go a little way with you and support you on achieving your personal goals or resolving a difficult situation. Please contact me by phone or send me an inquiry (see below) for a first interview. Before doing so, please read the following information on my general conditions and psychotherapy.

Psychotherapy in English: What ist the usual procedure in my psychotherapy practice?

First of all, please get in contact with me by phone or send me an inquiry (see form below). We arrange an appointment for a first interview. This initial session is dedicated to getting acquainted with your concerns and request as well as with my way of working. In succession we set up appointments on a regular basis (usually biweekly).

Psychotherapy in English: How much does it cost?

One session usually lasts 50 minutes and costs EUR 110,-. Please notice that I accept cash or card payment. In case of a pathological disorder according to ICD-10 it is possible to request a reimbursement from the statutory health insurance. We can discuss more details on this in our first session.

In case of couple and family therapy, I recommend sessions lasting 90 minutes. Thus we can ensure that there is enough time for all participants to table their concerns. This extended session costs EUR 200,-.


If you would like to contact me or make an appointment please use the subsequent form.

Please note: at the moment all slots are booked. If your request allows some waiting time, you are welcome to send me an inquiry anyhow.